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The Warrior Queen The Hundredth Queen Book 4 eBook Emily R King

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Download PDF The Warrior Queen The Hundredth Queen Book 4 eBook Emily R King

The Warrior Queen The Hundredth Queen Book 4 eBook Emily R King

When I was a teen, I tried to read many fantasies. I completed only a select few, because many were too passively written for me. Then, as a young father, I was jealous that my sons had so many great fantasy books in their school library. Now, though, I no longer look on such novels longingly. I am at an age where I don’t care what other people think of my reading choices. Also, since they’re on Kindle, nobody really notices anyway. Excuse my rambling though. On with my review of “The Warrior Queen.”

Just as many other reviewers, I’ve been a fan of this series since Book 1 appeared as a Kindle First edition. For this book, I bought the Kindle edition and the Audible edition. Both are wonderful, sensitive stories. It’s been fun watching this author grow.

NOTE: Although you can read this as a stand-alone, I strongly advise you to read each of the first three books, priced between 1.99 and 2.99, they’re great bargains for fans of YA Fantasy:

Book 1 - "The Hundredth Queen"
Book 2 - "The Fire Queen"
Book 3 - "The Rogue Queen:

POV: Mostly first person, but some chapters are told in first person of a character differing from the main heroine.

THE WRITING: If creative writing can be inspirational, that would be the best way to describe this work.

BLUSH FACTOR: No worries here. Although this is a Young Adult novel, I can imagine many other folks, such as me, reading and, occasionally, weeping now and then. Often tears of joy.

ADVENTURE: Absolutely. Not so much an adventure through the world in which we live, but an adventure into a fantasy land.

SOUL: Yes, this story has soul. I enjoy seeing the world through Kalinda’s eyes.


‘…I kiss Jala’s downy head and pass her to Indah. The baby wakes, her face scrunching in protest. Her grouses work up to mewling cries. The noise tugs away the final tendrils of my nightmare, save only Deven’s fear when he slipped away. Nothing can clear that from my memory.

“Are you not meeting Deven tonight?” Indah asks.

My gaze zips out the open balcony at the dusky sky. “What time is it?”

“Just past sunset.” Indah’s response follows me to the door. “That’s why I woke you. I thought you’d want to see him.”

“I do.” I thank her and dash down the corridor to my chamber. Natesa reclines on my bed and snacks on a mango from Deven’s food tray. “There you are,” she says. “How was your day?”

Deven is not here yet, so I sit with her and steal a piece of fruit too. “Well enough. My art pupils are learning how to sketch people. They’re fascinated by the fire-god Enlil. He’s all they want to draw.”

“They’re young women infatuated with perfection.”

“I was once taken with Anu,” I admit. “But I’d never seen a real man. These girls have seen plenty.”

“Anu and Enlil aren’t men—they’re gods. It’s difficult not to be enraptured.” Natesa stretches her toes near a stack of books at the foot of the bed. “These came from the Hiraani Temple for you. Priestess Mita couldn’t find you so I brought them.”

I forgot I sent a correspondence to the distant Sisterhood temple asking for their texts about the Void. “Thank you. I’ll start them tonight. Aren’t you supposed to be at your inn?”

Natesa swings her legs over the side of the bed. “Yatin and I decided that can wait. I’ll hardly see him if I’m living in the city and he’s here.”

She rises to go. I should be pleased she is staying, but the feeling of wrongness from earlier returns stronger.

“Natesa, I don’t want you and Yatin to put your life on hold for anyone.”

“We aren’t.”

“First you delayed your wedding and now…’

King, Emily R.. The Warrior Queen (The Hundredth Queen Book 4) (pp. 30-32). Skyscape. Kindle Edition.


Five stars out of five.

I am writing a book for aspiring reviewers and for product suppliers seeking reviews in an effort to help improve the process and to understand the value of Amazon’s Customer Review process. I hope to incorporate many of the received comments, with attribution to those making the suggestions, into my books.

Together, you and I can build a great customer review process that helps everybody. Will you join me? It is people such as you who have helped me improve over the years. I'm still learning, and I have a great deal yet to learn. With your help, I'll improve every day.

One request: Be respectful and courteous in your comments and emails to me. I will do likewise with you.

Thank you so much for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment.

Read The Warrior Queen The Hundredth Queen Book 4 eBook Emily R King

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The Warrior Queen The Hundredth Queen Book 4 eBook Emily R King Reviews

All I can say is whoa! What a way to end a series and just finish up and complete stories!!! I was captivated from start to finish but when I got to around 75% to the end I completely ignored my family! Lol. This was a great read and the heroine- our Warrior Queen... KALI! Was amazing! The love she has for Deven and Deven for her just melted me throughout and the twists and turns with the information about WHO she truly was and how her entire self was powerful than what anyone could’ve ever expected was icing on the cake! You blended just enough, action, strife between characters, love, loyalty, mythical ideals, and betrayal in this book perfectly and I couldn’t have been more satisfied. I read this book and felt like I could actually SEE the characters and the different scenes the way you described everything! Great Job Ms. Emily King! You have a fan for life! Can’t wait for more but I will be honest.. I’m biased towards Kali and her Soul Fire! Awesome read!
❝ “Inanna was a cherished young woman, beloved by everyone in her village. Some said she had the loyalty of an elephant and the bravery of a tiger. Men tried to woo her, but Inanna ignored them. She was waiting for one man–the same soul she had loved in all her lifetimes, right from the beginning when Anu plucked the stars from the heavens and named them mortals.” ❞

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own!

It’s been an exciting journey following this series from beginning to end. I’m really glad that I was able to support this series from the very beginning, so it made reading this last book a bit bittersweet. I was ready to reach the end of the journey but sad to know it would be the last book in the series. Still, I was excited for this book and it did not let me down ❤

As always, I felt like King did a fantastic job of summarizing the previous books without it feeling too overdone. It was perfect for those of us who have been waiting since the last book. It covered major events from all the past books which was really helpful in refreshing my memory before I really dove into The Warrior Queen.

This book was one that I was (yes) excited about, but I was also really worried about it too. From the very beginning, I have always stood by the fact that I did not enjoy the romance in this series. It seemed too instalove-like to me and I just never felt that connection to Kalinda and Deven as a couple. And really, I didn’t like Deven as a character too much for a while either because of how he took so long to accept Kalinda’s bhuta side. Knowing that this book was mainly going to be about Deven and Kalinda’s love and her quest to save him made me hesitant about reading this book. I mean, if it’s a book about my least favorite aspect of the story… kinda seems like I wouldn’t like it right? Well, that wasn’t the case.

I think the fact that King wove so much of the bits and pieces of lore and mythology from the series into this one book really helped to pull me in and invent more in Kalinda and Deven’s romance. Although I can’t really go into detail without giving spoilers, I will say that I loved seeing those stories from earlier in the series make a comeback and become such important parts of their history in this book. It made it feel tragic and doomed, but in a way that made me really wish for them to succeed. Not to mention, getting to flesh out more of the lore and Kalinda’s past was just so enjoyable ❤

❝ “This journey will lead you into great darkness. When you finish, you won’t be as you are now.”

“I understand.”

“You don’t yet, but you will.” ❞

The only thing that I think bothered me with this book was how long it took for Kalinda to make progress in her quest to get Deven back. It felt really slow and repetitive for the first few chapters when Kalinda and Ashwin were still researching and trying to find a solution to getting Deven back alive. It just felt like everyone was at a bit of a standstill for a while as a way to build up tension at the palace.

And speaking of the palace it’s time to talk about Ashwin and Gemi, because they are the other side of this book. It was such a relief to have Ashwin move on from Kalinda in this book (that was another romance I wasn’t too crazy about for the obvious reason being he wasn’t really in love with her so much as the idea of her). I liked that we got to spend more time getting to know him even if I didn’t always agree with his decisions as ruler. I felt he was a little naive and (I’ll just say it) stupid in the beginning when it came to dealing with Lokesh.

The Warrior Queen was basically telling two stories in a way one was Kalinda’s quest to save Deven, and the other was Ashwin and Gemi’s struggle to lead the empire and incorporate bhutas into society. It definitely kept the story interesting once Kalinda’s journey into the void began because there was so much at stake for both sides. The back and forth of it made the book more intense because you had to wait to find out what happened to one pair and it just built up that tension. I really enjoyed it.

Finally, I think the ending was just what we needed. I liked the way that things ended with Ashwin and Gemi especially because it didn’t resort to some instalove and it felt… promising. I liked that it was written as them taking things slow and trying to build an actual relationship rather than rushing into things. I also liked how things ended with Kalinda and Deven, especially with the way that the people of the empire turned things around. Plus, I was really happy with Ashwin’s solution to the ranis. Overall, this was a fantastic and thrilling conclusion to the series that really showed me why I’ll be keeping an eye out for King’s next great series.

The Warrior Queen was released on August 14th, it’s a book that’s sure to pull you in!
I absolutely loved this book! I have been wanting to read it since I found out there was a fourth book and I finished The Rouge Queen so I was so excited when I got the advanced copy of this book. I was not disappointed with this conclusion. I love Kalinda and Deven and Ashwin. I also liked Pons, Indah, Yatin, Netesa, Gemi, Tinley, and Enlil. I loved Kalinda's insistence to stay true to herself and stay on track on getting Deven back from the under realm. I was so happy to see that Ashwin had his own chapters. The story was fast paced and so well done as are all the books in The Hundredth Queen series. Emily is a master at spinning a vivid world with strong characters who make you fall in love with them and root for them even when you don't quite agree with what they are doing. The ending was explosive and perfect! I am happy to see all the characters get their happily ever after.
When I was a teen, I tried to read many fantasies. I completed only a select few, because many were too passively written for me. Then, as a young father, I was jealous that my sons had so many great fantasy books in their school library. Now, though, I no longer look on such novels longingly. I am at an age where I don’t care what other people think of my reading choices. Also, since they’re on , nobody really notices anyway. Excuse my rambling though. On with my review of “The Warrior Queen.”

Just as many other reviewers, I’ve been a fan of this series since Book 1 appeared as a First edition. For this book, I bought the edition and the Audible edition. Both are wonderful, sensitive stories. It’s been fun watching this author grow.

NOTE Although you can read this as a stand-alone, I strongly advise you to read each of the first three books, priced between 1.99 and 2.99, they’re great bargains for fans of YA Fantasy

Book 1 - "The Hundredth Queen"
Book 2 - "The Fire Queen"
Book 3 - "The Rogue Queen

POV Mostly first person, but some chapters are told in first person of a character differing from the main heroine.

THE WRITING If creative writing can be inspirational, that would be the best way to describe this work.

BLUSH FACTOR No worries here. Although this is a Young Adult novel, I can imagine many other folks, such as me, reading and, occasionally, weeping now and then. Often tears of joy.

ADVENTURE Absolutely. Not so much an adventure through the world in which we live, but an adventure into a fantasy land.

SOUL Yes, this story has soul. I enjoy seeing the world through Kalinda’s eyes.


‘…I kiss Jala’s downy head and pass her to Indah. The baby wakes, her face scrunching in protest. Her grouses work up to mewling cries. The noise tugs away the final tendrils of my nightmare, save only Deven’s fear when he slipped away. Nothing can clear that from my memory.

“Are you not meeting Deven tonight?” Indah asks.

My gaze zips out the open balcony at the dusky sky. “What time is it?”

“Just past sunset.” Indah’s response follows me to the door. “That’s why I woke you. I thought you’d want to see him.”

“I do.” I thank her and dash down the corridor to my chamber. Natesa reclines on my bed and snacks on a mango from Deven’s food tray. “There you are,” she says. “How was your day?”

Deven is not here yet, so I sit with her and steal a piece of fruit too. “Well enough. My art pupils are learning how to sketch people. They’re fascinated by the fire-god Enlil. He’s all they want to draw.”

“They’re young women infatuated with perfection.”

“I was once taken with Anu,” I admit. “But I’d never seen a real man. These girls have seen plenty.”

“Anu and Enlil aren’t men—they’re gods. It’s difficult not to be enraptured.” Natesa stretches her toes near a stack of books at the foot of the bed. “These came from the Hiraani Temple for you. Priestess Mita couldn’t find you so I brought them.”

I forgot I sent a correspondence to the distant Sisterhood temple asking for their texts about the Void. “Thank you. I’ll start them tonight. Aren’t you supposed to be at your inn?”

Natesa swings her legs over the side of the bed. “Yatin and I decided that can wait. I’ll hardly see him if I’m living in the city and he’s here.”

She rises to go. I should be pleased she is staying, but the feeling of wrongness from earlier returns stronger.

“Natesa, I don’t want you and Yatin to put your life on hold for anyone.”

“We aren’t.”

“First you delayed your wedding and now…’

King, Emily R.. The Warrior Queen (The Hundredth Queen Book 4) (pp. 30-32). Skyscape. Edition.


Five stars out of five.

I am writing a book for aspiring reviewers and for product suppliers seeking reviews in an effort to help improve the process and to understand the value of ’s Customer Review process. I hope to incorporate many of the received comments, with attribution to those making the suggestions, into my books.

Together, you and I can build a great customer review process that helps everybody. Will you join me? It is people such as you who have helped me improve over the years. I'm still learning, and I have a great deal yet to learn. With your help, I'll improve every day.

One request Be respectful and courteous in your comments and emails to me. I will do likewise with you.

Thank you so much for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment.
Ebook PDF The Warrior Queen The Hundredth Queen Book 4 eBook Emily R King

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