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The Girl with Glass Feet shawali 9781843549185 Books

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The Girl with Glass Feet shawali 9781843549185 Books

This wasn't a bad book, it was actually pretty well-written style-wise, but going simply by what the designated stars mean it was simply "OK" for me.

The side characters were never really fleshed out enough for me. Their side stories never quite fit with the main one, and didn't seem to add much to the actual narrative other than their existence. None of them help Midas or Ida in any tangible way, aside from Gustav (quite literally) at the end. Ida and Midas are simply existing in this sea of people who don't like other people and have nothing to give. Any back story that was included, and any tangents the author went into were never completed or given relevance that met my expectations.

Ida and Midas as characters aren't exactly the most shining examples of human beings, but at least Midas gets a bit of a personality "expansion" by the end. I guess you could say that was the book's one saving grace.

I was moved by the end, but that was the only part that made me feel anything besides indifference. And the only reason I felt something was because ***SPOILER***earlier in the book Henry had mentioned that it was possible the glass hadn't actually killed the man in the bog, and that maybe he was still alive. When Midas pushes Ida out of the boat after her transformation, I felt like there was a complete disregard for the possibility she was still alive in there. Her transformation was also heartbreaking because even though I knew it was coming, it was hard to read her desperation in her last seconds***END SPOILER***.

I closed the book feeling unsatisfied. Perhaps it was because I was expecting a bit more magic (you know, aside from people turning to glass), a bit more folklore, a bit more of something else that this book just wasn't. But it felt like there was so much more that needed to be said, while the author may have been valuing brevity of sorts rather than developing the narrative.

Read The Girl with Glass Feet shawali 9781843549185 Books

Tags : The Girl with Glass Feet [shaw-ali] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Strange things are happening on the remote and snowbound archipelago of St Hauda's Land. Unusual winged creatures flit around icy bogland; albino animals hide themselves in the snow-glazed woods; jellyfish glow in the ocean's depths...And Ida MacLaird is slowly turning into glass. A mysterious and frightening alchemical metamorphosis has befallen Ida Maclaird - she is slowly turning into glass,shaw-ali,The Girl with Glass Feet,Atlantic Books,1843549182

The Girl with Glass Feet shawali 9781843549185 Books Reviews

In my opinion and the opinion of the book club, this book left to many loose ends and read like a bunch of short stories that were shuffled together. The description of the book is very misleading, the creature mentioned in the story's description seldom surfaced. We are a book club that loves creatures, fantasy,and paranormal. This book did not satisfy our need. There were so many unanswered questions. Good potential lacked any resolution.
Ali Shaw is a master of surreal fiction. Read it, love it, beg him to write some more.
A great love story. Needs to be a movie.
This was a very well written novel. The description (and there is a LOT of description, mostly focused on the landscape) made me feel as though I were standing on St. Hauda's Land, smelling peat and watching completely white birds flit through the trees of the forest.

However, it's very much an adult fairytale. If you're a lover of happy endings, you may want to pass.
This is the kind of story I usually like...a lot. Fairy tales and surrealistic stories. This could have been so much better. I liked the characters and the writing and so many aspects of the story. It could have and should have had a magically wonderful ending. It's not that I expect every book to have a happy ending but there was so much magic and so much possibility here, and the characters really needed that happy ending.
This book was like a fairy tale brought to life. The dreary, boggy land of St. Hauda is very well described, and the characters feel very real. In fact, it's the developing relationship between Ida and Midas that carries the book -- Ida who is turning to glass and Midas who seems incapable of feeling. As Ida becomes literally harder, Midas finds it possible to feel her (and for her). The world of this fairy tale more "real" because of the ambiguity and lack of easy answers that mirror real-life but make it less like a children's fairy tale. I wanted to find a message in the book, and I'm not sure I did. But this fantastical world with tiny flying cattle, a creature that turns things white by looking at them, jellyfish that create light shows as they die, and Ida turning to glass was a place I kept wanting to return to.
Set in the remote island of St. Hauda in the north, with the former whaling industry gone, the island population has decreased. Ida has come back to the island in hopes of finding the answer to her unusual problem- her feet have turned to glass, and the condition is slowly spreading. She hopes to find the man she met on her last visit who kept tiny flying cows and told her other stories of the island including a creature who turns all it sees white, and glass bodies in the bog. She meets photographer Midas, a young man who seems to have some form of autism spectrum disorder. Intermixed with their story is Carl, who was in love with Ida's mother and seems a little obsessed with Ida herself, and also worked with Midas' father. While the fantastical elements could have lent some lightness to the story, the overall feel is cold, stark and white. We learn of others who had the glass condition as the trio seek to find a cure, but slowly, and inexorably, the glass continues to creep. I was intrigued by the concepts and ideas held within this story, but it never fully came together for me.
This wasn't a bad book, it was actually pretty well-written style-wise, but going simply by what the designated stars mean it was simply "OK" for me.

The side characters were never really fleshed out enough for me. Their side stories never quite fit with the main one, and didn't seem to add much to the actual narrative other than their existence. None of them help Midas or Ida in any tangible way, aside from Gustav (quite literally) at the end. Ida and Midas are simply existing in this sea of people who don't like other people and have nothing to give. Any back story that was included, and any tangents the author went into were never completed or given relevance that met my expectations.

Ida and Midas as characters aren't exactly the most shining examples of human beings, but at least Midas gets a bit of a personality "expansion" by the end. I guess you could say that was the book's one saving grace.

I was moved by the end, but that was the only part that made me feel anything besides indifference. And the only reason I felt something was because ***SPOILER***earlier in the book Henry had mentioned that it was possible the glass hadn't actually killed the man in the bog, and that maybe he was still alive. When Midas pushes Ida out of the boat after her transformation, I felt like there was a complete disregard for the possibility she was still alive in there. Her transformation was also heartbreaking because even though I knew it was coming, it was hard to read her desperation in her last seconds***END SPOILER***.

I closed the book feeling unsatisfied. Perhaps it was because I was expecting a bit more magic (you know, aside from people turning to glass), a bit more folklore, a bit more of something else that this book just wasn't. But it felt like there was so much more that needed to be said, while the author may have been valuing brevity of sorts rather than developing the narrative.
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