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Hometown Girl Again Hometown Series Book 5 eBook Kirsten Fullmer

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Download PDF Hometown Girl Again Hometown Series Book 5 eBook Kirsten Fullmer

Hometown Girl Again Hometown Series Book 5 eBook Kirsten Fullmer

Normally an ex is an ex for a reason, but I found myself rooting for the two of them right away. The characters were relatable and I was sympathetic to their personal issues. I love the author's ability to create characters that are not only engaging but ones that you find yourself wishing were in your everyday life. The story is unique and well-written.

Read Hometown Girl Again Hometown Series Book 5 eBook Kirsten Fullmer

Tags : Hometown Girl Again (Hometown Series Book 5) eBook: Kirsten Fullmer: Kindle Store,ebook,Kirsten Fullmer,Hometown Girl Again (Hometown Series Book 5),Fiction Contemporary Women,Fiction Romance Contemporary

Hometown Girl Again Hometown Series Book 5 eBook Kirsten Fullmer Reviews

Katie (Katherine) Harris returns to her hometown for her grand-uncle’s funeral and boy is she unprepared to face her past. She and an older cousin receive a generous gift from this deceased grand-uncle through his will and Katie decides to open up her very own RV park. Her former teenhood boyfriend, military veteran Alex is called upon to fix water and sewer lines for it and Katie finds it difficult (well, for both of them) as memories of them together in the past resurface since Katie has an inner warfare with accepting her present while Alex still feels inadequate over wounds (both physical and mental) from his time in the military. Now Alex has a puppy dog he calls Fish who acts as a healing medium between them and soon they find their way to loving each other again in this funny, predictable story so sweet and tender I could not put it down while I was in the middle of reading it. Its inclusion of the RV park and everything that has to do with its setup added to my enjoyment of it because I’m always open to new ideas of how to live thriftily in this expensive world we live in. And because Katie and Alex are somehow around my age level, this made it all the more delightful and entertaining besides the fact that it’s a romance novel and that I seldom enjoy it unless it’s got suspense and substance to it. This book is simple and concise but it contains interesting elements I gave it a chance and omg I loved it and would definitely read all the books in this entire series if I really think about it. (This is book 5 in this series by Kirsten Fullmer.)

Katie is biracial and that’s still another ingredient that piqued my interest for this book. She is the product of a Brazilian writer father who came to live there in her small town who met her mother who was White and together they produced her. She is always described as having her hair in a bun while sweating and constantly trying to adapt to the world of trailer-living. She has identity issues because she has a hard time disposing of her former life to what she is now, a RV park businesswoman. What I also liked about Katie is the fact that she is trying to conserve resources (very frugal) while in the middle of fixing up her trailer and others for her business model. She gets by with the little she owns and it’s good to know that she tries to befriend people in her small town community so that they will help her with her business’ needs. This book is so relatable because of all those that I mentioned it really was worth my spacious time. Let me see if it has some negatives that I should address…hmmm…I could not put a finger on any… Oh! And another likable trait of this book was the fact that it is void of explicit sexual situations. Through it all there is none of that in this book so I think it’s a great and safe choice for a teenage reader who has an interest in the romance genre.

I would recommend this book to both women and men readers because it’s got both feminine and masculine characteristics that will appeal to both sexes. Where the romance is for the women, there is also the manly, rugged world of Alex that I am positive will suffice the reading tastes of men. Alex is a great guy. Not only does he make an effort to seek amends with Katie, he is also devoted to his work as a plumber/maintenance who works for his father and also lives with him under the same roof. Alex is described to have a beard and that is a most recent fashion statement for men nowadays. Anyway, links are available in this review to order your copy (whether it’s the E-book or printed form) so you can see what an amazing book this is. Now have a great Sunday and talk to you later!
The only thing that saved this book was the education I got on vintage RV's. Otherwise, my mind kept drifting off during the boring parts. There were quite a few full spots.
First loves and second chances! A very sweet story of a hurt veteran and an isolated girl reconciling
What I liked
The writing style
The characters from the other books
Part of a series Hometown Series

I had a hard time staying interested in this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC from NetGalley.
I chose this book because of the description. Both recovering from different pains in life but it's that life that threw them back together. They once shared an awesome love then he left for the Army and she lost her Mom. Her courageous idea of a vintage RV park just might bring them back together.
This is the first book I have read by this author. The characters were interesting and the idea of a glamping park was fun. I liked the townspeople and the small town comraderie.

Alex and Katie had a long way to go to resolve their issues with one another and their pasts. At times it was a little slow in the resolution and I would have enjoyed a bit more steam, but all-in-all it was an enjoyable read.
This stand-alone is easy to follow and has a HEA. Minor editing errors, no graphic violence or drag-you-down drama. Not all questions are answered.

The storyline is depressingly realistic with the mom refusing to allow the daughter and her biological father to meet. So the daughter grows up with low to no feelings of worth, poor relationship skills, etc.

Believable dialogue and characters with distinct personalities. The service dog "Fish" is fantastic.

No desire to re-read this story. I may be interested in other works by this author.

Remember this is my personal opinion and does not reflect on the author.
Normally an ex is an ex for a reason, but I found myself rooting for the two of them right away. The characters were relatable and I was sympathetic to their personal issues. I love the author's ability to create characters that are not only engaging but ones that you find yourself wishing were in your everyday life. The story is unique and well-written.
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